Well, once again I have fallen behind in my posting here.
But hey, I try to catch everyone up on every little thing that is fit for general human consumption in one fell swoop. Trying to make it worth your while. Ever the considerate one, that’s me.
Well, first of all, some friends in San Francisco sent me a bunch of cool bandanas to cover my shiny bald head. I asked Elaine to take some photos of me in the bandanas and now they are up on my gallery page.
You can find them here.
Also, Elaine and I had our photos taken by a lovely homer-sexual lad today. He is travelling around taking pictures of queer couples and he arranged to take some photos of us. We won’t see the photos for at least a couple of months but I do like his work.
Elaine’s van remains on the missing vehicles list. We got a rental car from ICBC, but it may be gone by the weekend.
Returned to the rental place, I mean. Not stolen.
Though lately, who knows…
Though it’s not a mid 80’s toyota, so the thieves will be less interested, I suspect.
Meanwhile, the battery on my truck is dead, because I have spent so very little time driving in the last 3 months that the battery just said ‘see ya later’ and kicked.
All that would be much more manageable if I wasn’t doing chemo again on Thursday. But that’s how it goes.
Bloodwork like crazy tomorrow, and chemo on Thursday.
I guess I better get that battery working and my g-f better learn to drive my truck.
This cycle is almost over and I am now past the mid-way point for this process.
It was weird because I was pretty enthusiastic about hitting the half way mark, but as soon as I did I became really tired of the whole invasive process, tired of being poked and prodded, tired of feeling crappy, just really extra tired and frustrated with it all.
And that’s a bit phuqued up. I mean it’s probably understandable and everything but basically, the bottom line is I need to cowboy up and just deal with it.
It hasn’t been a terribly lovely summer for me but I intend to make up for that as soon as I am feeling better and have my cash flow in better shape.
I’ve been feeling weird and frustrated and tired of being bald quite a bit lately.
And, you know, if one was going to have to pick a time to be bald, this summer is a pretty good choice, since it has been blisteringly hot.
The thing I find most exhausting and emotionally draining is the lack of choice that comes with so many angles of this.
And, actually, that’s not really accurate. It’s really a matter of being left to choose between really unpleasant option and really awful and agonizing option. It doesn’t seem like much of a choice, but ultimately it is.
Summer is coming to an end and I am still feeling a bit cabin-fevered. I can’t imagine what my mind will look like by December, but hopefully I will come up with some more creative ways to get out of the house.
I had a couple of adventures planned for the summer, but things seem to have fallen off the table and now you can feel fall creeping up and the days of romping in the sun coming to a close for this year.
We did bust out and drive up to Whistler for the day last weekend. That was fun.
Elaine and I are planning on going camping in a few weeks, and hopefully it will have rained enough in the meantime that we can have a campfire while we are away.
If you live in Vancouver and happen to have any camping equipment we can borrow, we would be temporarily in your debt.
Mostly what we need is a decent tent and maybe a camp stove. And maybe a tarp, if you have one.
Okay, then, amigos, it’s late and I have to go to bed so I can get up and get poked and all that.
Thanks for checking in.
Stay tuned for the next installment. It probably won’t take long.
Roger Dodger, over and out.
tony has all that stuff and hasn’t used in a a couple of years (as phags age, camping become less appealing. spa!).
aflavell at mac dot com
love you and pulling for you!