Oct 072004

Well, I went for my bloodwork and my regularly scheduled visit with the oncologist and it seems one of the counts on my blood cells is off and they want me to wait an extra week before I do my next chemo.
So, no chemo this week, instead we will do it some time next week.
And apparently they will have me wait 4 weeks between round 7 and round 8.
I didn’t actually hear that part but my g-f did, so I reckon it’s true.

And while it’s sort of a relief to have that extra chunk of time to bounce back, I confess I was really looking forward to being done at the beginning of November. Now that will be the last treatment in the middle of November and a few weeks to recover after that.

Other news…
there are a couple of events dealing with ovarian cancer coming up.

For the local folks, there is a workshop on Oct 27, details below:

“Listen to the Whispers, An Evening of video, Q&A and discussion on Ovarian
Cancer for Lesbian & Bisexual Women. October 27th, 7 – 9pm at North Health
Unit, A&D Lounge , 2nd Floor, 1561 Commercial Drive (First & Commercial) A
free event. Registration requested. To Register call 604-684-5307.
Presented by Pride Health Services, a partnership of 3 Bridges Community
Health Centre, The Centre, AIDS Vancouver”

also, there is a one day symposium in Victoria in late November.
Here are the details for that.
Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that I can make it to Victoria that day but it does look interesting.


British Columbia Ovarian Cancer Symposium

An educational program for healthcare professionals, survivors, friends
and family members

Please join us in Victoria on November 20th for an informative and
inspiring day. The purpose of the symposium is to learn more about
ovarian cancer and also to address some of the issues relating to coping
with a diagnosis of cancer, including genetics, palliative care and
communication. One of the highlights of the day will be an inspiring
presentation by Dr Annie Smith, an art historian, author as well as
breast and ovarian cancer survivor.

Other speakers Dr Elissa McMurtrie, Gynecological Oncologist, Shelley
Gordon, a counselor on finding “Balance and Hope” and Dr Brad Nelson, an
internationally renowned expert in cancer research.


That’s all for now.

 Posted by at 8:01 pm

  One Response to “Please stand by”

  1. Standing by …

    I am sorry that the chemo schedule will take longer than first thought.

    I hope you can enjoy the beautiful fall weather as your body recovers a wee bit more.

    Be gentle with yourself.

    Love and hugs

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