Aug 312006

Last week was really, really awful for me and I want to say thank you to my friends who jumped in and stood by me and kept my head above water.

I couldn’t have done it without you. And your help and support means a whole lot to me.


You know who you are.

And in terms of my dad, he has been treated for his pneumonia and has been released from hospital in Victoria and will make his way back to his home, which is 5 hours away, today or tomorrow. From there, there will be biopsies and tests and a process of finding out what exactly he has going on in his lung.

That’s all I got for now.

 Posted by at 11:27 am

  3 Responses to “Thanks to the following…”

  1. How is your sister doing?

    I hope that things have settled enough for you to be able to enjoy the long weekend…

  2. My sister is recovering from major surgery. So far, so good.

    Thanks for asking about her.

  3. Hope all turns out well.. I know how hard it is to deal with a parent being ill.. Don’t forget to take care of you…

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