Nov 012004


So, last night was Hallowe’en and this is what I looked like, assuming you were looking at me in a particular light.
It was kind of fun.
My g-f is often fond of throwing (what I consider to be) large Hallowe’en parties and I do my best to play along. Last year was a challenge because of the little gutter snipe dykes who barfed into our bathtub about an hour into the party.
That was kind of a drag, particularly because the bathtub had been decorated with Hallowe’en confetti and coloured water.
Ralph… right into it.
Golly, that was an icky mess to clean up, but it did mean that one particular guest got fast tracked in the good friend points, because she helped me clean it up.
No small thing.
Anyway, last night was a much more subdued Hallowe’en that last year. But I hear we are going to make up for it next year.

And here we are, the day after the Day of the Dead and the day before the U.S. election.
I know all my friends are hopeful that this current adminstration of maniacs is about to be made obsolete.
I hope they are right, but I have a bad feeling about this election.
But hey, America, prove me wrong!
Go ahead, I dare you.
I double dog dare you!
C’mon…. you can do it!

I guess, like so many things lately, I just need to be patient and wait to see what happens next.
So not my area of strength.

 Posted by at 8:48 pm

  One Response to “Hello wheen”

  1. Cool face :-)

    I am hopeful Spike that if more woman get out and vote in this election that maybe, just maybe the administration will change. I have been listening to different actors and actresses who have been working very hard to get people to vote, especially young woman between 18 and 24 who for the most part did not vote in the last election.

    Also, yesterday I heard that although the advance polls were very busy, people stood in line and waited hours to cast their vote.

    I guess we’ll know tonight.

    Take care.


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