Sep 232004

My girlfriend deserves a great big medal.
Have I said that before?

I hope so, but there is the whoppingly good chance that I have spent all my time going ‘ga-blah, ga-blah, ga-blah, poor little Spike, poor Spike…’ and not mentioning how she loves me and pats me on the head even when I am a cranky ass bastard and I am so sick of being sick.
Which is pretty much how I have been the last couple of days. And it also follows the course that has been established by the whole chemo scheme since we started this exercise.

In case you missed it in one of my previous posts, at about this point in the process, right now, about a week after the treatment, is when I start to come pretty unhinged.
Cole’s notes for those joining the story late…
they give me a whap of drugs, mostly steroids and shit, so I can function better and do at least some basic life things.
Now is when I am either off or tapering off most of those drugs, so I am detoxing at the same time I am feeling all the lousy feelings inside my body.
It sucks.
How many times have I written that in the last few months?
If you want to know how I feel, think of it like this…
You know in elementary school and you learned that at this time of year the jolly Quebecois people put on their little snow shoes and go out and tap into their trees and extract the yummy sirop de ?rable? And you know how the sirop de ?rable is yummy and tasty and good for you?
Well, not to be too dark about it, kids, but I feel like if they took that same spigot and rammed it in my arm (and don’t think they haven’t been at labs all over my fair town) it would be the anti-thesis of yummy goodness that would pour into the pail. It would be the opposite of organic.
And hey, that’s actually okay. It’s there, it did its job and now it’s time for me to get it out of my body, one way or the other (thank you, great big bottles of distilled water.)
But it is not all that different than those scenes in Alien when it makes its way out, and I am just about as happy as any of the crew members when they realize they aren’t travelling solo.
Ga-blah ga-blah poor me.

Anyway, you, gentle reader, have probably been spared a whole lot of the detail because, really, who can understand what it really is unless you are in it. And if you were in it, why would you want to read about it?

I know, you think, “look at how long this gawd awful post is, how could I possibly have been spared anything?”
Well, tonight, I ain’t sparing you much. I need to vent some and if you came here to see what’s up, I am gonna give you the full meal deal tonight.
Well, actually, even this is abridged but you are getting more of what the locals enjoy than what I serve up here normally. You lucky bastard.

Tonight I was laying in my bed, trying to sleep, succeeding at that for a few minutes and then waking up again.
I gotta tell you, I am kind of cranky these days.
Not at anyone in particular, except say, Gordon Campbell and all the healthcare budget cutting bastards of the world.
On a human level, I have been spectacularly lucky and try to be grateful, even when I am crabby.
But I feel a little rant coming on, so if you are having a sad day and you thought you’d look here for some sunny encouragement, well, first you are terribly misguided, but secondly, you should hop on over somewhere else.
Here is a short list of stuff that is pissing me off.
Bear in mind that I know that in a big picture kind of way, I have sweet fuck all to be pissed off about. I have lots of people who love me and care for me and do what they can to make it better.
And still, I find myself pissed off…
Go figure.

And here, in no particular order, is a short list of some of the stuff I am pissed off about right this second.
If you pass me on the street in two days, don’t think you need to check in with me about any of it, because mostly I just need to blow off steam *or* it’s a big and complicated thing that I probably don’t even want to talk about and I wouldn’t if I wasn’t so full of fucking chemicals.

I am so pissed off about time.
I am pissed off that before I got sick, I had such big plans in my head about what a great summer this was going to be. I planted my sure-to-be-bumper-crop of tomatoes and the rats ate every single one of them.
Oh, yeah, my punk-mod-goth friends think I am kidding, but no, I am not. My totally loved to death, organic to the max tomatoes… not one did I get.
Which is not to say that I haven’t eaten my fair share of tomatoes this summer, but one thing I like about summer is eating the tomatoes that *I* grew… not someone else.
So, I am pissed about that.
And that’s about thinking things will go a certain way and then they don’t.
And guess what? That’s life, buckeroo.

One thing that has been pissing me off for quite some time, but I have been too kind to say anything, is goths and stoopid fuckers who think Jim Morrison is cool.
Okay, this is your last chance to jump ship before I really hurt your feelings, because maybe you don’t know how easily I can do that.

Gone yet?
Okay, here’s the thing…
as someone who has put an enormous amount of energy into just putting one foot in front of the other and making it thru each fucking ‘today’ with the fervent hope that ‘tomorrow’ pans out to be better, watching a bunch of teenagers and overblown teenagers worship some doped up, nihilistic satanistic talentless middle class jackass misogynist just makes me want to puke.
There is absolutely nothing brave or courageous or artistic about deluded, straight, white middle class men self destructing.
There is nothing cool about it.
It does not require one single spec of bravery.
If you want to do something brave, do something that will both a) make the world a better place and b) challenge and scare you to try to accomplish it.
Getting famous for getting high doesn’t qualify.

If you want to do something cool or brave, then sit down and figure out what you want for your life and then… go do it.
And I really don’t give a red rat’s ass, assuming it doesn’t involve doing awful things to children or any other innocents, just go fucking do it.
Bungee jump, get your ear pierced at the equator, fall in love with someone and stick with it. Go to therapy, don’t go to therapy… pay your library fines.
Do something even if it scares you. Actually, do it specifically because it scares you.
If you want to do something supremely brave, go be a good parent to your kids.
Love your kids, be good parents and good examples and make sure they know you love them.
That’s brave.

But don’t sit around thinking that some morbid overgrown ooo-ga boo-ga mumbling from the dark side dude is where it’s at.
Because frankly, that’s for shit, in my opinion.
You wanna be here, then be here.
You don’t wanna be here, then figure out what you need to change you can maybe actually want to be here.
I am actually not saying that everyone in the world has such a ducky little life that they are obliged in some way to see it thru from beginning to end in whatever way the great cosmos stamped on your ear the day your momma spatted you out onto the linoleum floor.
I do believe that if you are sitting somewhere reading on your iMac while you sip a Latte Chai espresso, then maybe you have a bit more wiggle room about what can and can’t happen in your life and you maybe should think about what you want and try to go get it.
Just a thought.

Another thing that pisses me off and makes me nuts is feeling like being sick is a sand paper I have brought to my relationship with my g-f.
Now, like I said, I have no complaints about how super swell she has been.

They have those made for tv movies that explain what it’s like to be madlessly and hopelessly in love with someone and still fight that demon on your shoulder that says, “You know, if you two had never taken up with the dating, she’d be so much happier now… holy! She could get her work done and she wouldn’t have become a sharp-shooter with a pill splitter and she wouldn’t have impoverished herself and I think she’d get out more and I think she’d be happier.
Golly, I sure wish there was something I could do to pay her back for all this, but I have no idea if I can. I hope I get to get my strength back and take her to the beach for a couple of days and just relax and exhale… I hope it works out that way.”

And I am sure hoping it works out that we can get away, just us two, and relax and appreciate each other and everything we have been through.
Because she has made all the difference in the world. People have been really good and really kind, and my gf has been better than anyone.
So, if you all could give her a little hug, or a little non-contaminating smooch (assuming she agrees,) or a little e-mail greeting saying thanks for being swell to Spike, that would be great.
I think we are both getting a bit weary from it all these days and I am not sure she is getting enough support from folks out there.

And another thing that pisses me off these days is this bad rut I am in.
See… I am not feeling great, so I can’t do much.
It means if you ask me if I can do something with you, I really can’t tell till the day it’s supposed to happen and even then, I could get 30 minutes into something and realize I am in over my head and have to jam.
So, I am hard to make plans with.
Which means I spend a lot of time wandering around my house, wishing I could do something, wishing I could go bug my gf but she needs to work and make money and stuff and even see other people besides me sometimes.
And I wish I could sit and read, but the drugs mess with my vision for at least half the time of each cycle, so that’s not good.
And then there are videos and movies and shit, but it’s nicer to watch those with someone. And that gets to be a bit difficult to co-ordinate because, unlike me, regular people have jobs and lives and things to do.
And, inside all those regular people, there have been a handful of folks who have really been wonderfully attentive and engaging, and have made a point of taking me to appts and just running errands or even going for drives up the Sea to Sky Highway or camping or doing anything to break the monotony.
I can’t thank you guys enough.

The boredom has been one of the hardest things to wrestle with.
Sometimes just a wee field trip with no pressure has been so important for me.
And if after reading this, you are brave enough to think you might wanna come over and watch a movie, or maybe you wanna help me go search for firewood for my long, indoor, rainy winter, then drop me an e-mail or give me a call.
I know people have been trying to let us have our space to just be doing whatever we need to be doing, and also that folks have a life and families and jobs and all. But if you feel like it, it’s cool to ask and see what either of us is capable of.

E-mail is good too. I know I don’t always answer as fast as I should, especially if it arrives when I am really drugged or sleep deprived. But I do want people to know that I appreciate their e-mails, even if I don’t always respond.

And another thing I hate, in case anyone is still reading, is the fucking neuropathy in my arms and my legs.
At first, during the first chemo cycle, I couldn’t really bear weight on my legs very well, they were that unreliable.
Now, with the new, stronger, more all-encompassing drug regime I am doing, I can more or less walk around most of the time, though I do get a bit topply sometimes. Basically, I have needles and pins in my arms and my legs to some degree for the entirety of each 3 week cycle. It didn’t used to last so long, and the oncologist says it will almost certainly go away within 3 to 6 months after the end of the chemo, but maybe not.
But I tell ya, I feel like I am living my life in opera gloves.
At least I can be stylish in my illness.

And, along that theme…
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity
what about my fucking hair, eh?

When we first met with the oncologist, he wrote me a script for a wig and I smugly told him that I didn’t think there would be any need for one. And, I haven’t bought a wig.
But I certainly thought the bald thing would be way easier to deal with than it has been.
Luckily, some SF pals sent me a shit load of cool bandanas and that saved my baldheaded bacon, because I have simulataneously lost almost every single baseball hat I own, right as the autumn monsoon descends.
And I don’t like being bald and I don’t like being cold… so losing that stuff right now kind of sucks.
Anyway, unlike me, I digress…

I thought being a big old bad ass dyke, I would be ever so fine with the bald thing. Hell, I’d even considered doing it all on my own at various times in my life, how hard could it be?
And then, when bunches of my friends shaved their heads in solidarity, why, I thought I had been such a big baby and what was the problem.
Well, the problem is… maybe you should lean in cuz I am gonna have to whisper this.
I don’t want just anyone to know.
It’s a bit of a secret.

Okay…are you all scootched up close now?
Okay… here’s the problem.

It’s been said, and there may be some truth to it, that I am a bit of a control freak.
I would argue some of the details of that assessment, and I have certainly had my pot-kettle-black moments in those conversations, but the point stands.
I wish I had $10,000 for every time I have thought, “okay, I am ready to have my hair grow back now’, only to realize it’s not that simple.
See, cuz right now, I am not a regular person.
I confess, I woke up a couple of weeks ago, walked into the bathroom, looked in the mirror as I started to brush my teetn and I was surprised to find that I was still bald.
I don’t know why.
Maybe I had had a particularly hirsute dream in the night. I dunno.
Mostly what I hate, aside from how it symbolizes the lack of choice in my life right now, is that it announces me as a ‘sick person’ before I have even had a conversation with someone.
I guess being so dykey and cool that may not always be true because I bumped into an equally dykey and equally cool co-worker the other day who asked why I hadn’t been around work.
“Oh… I am doing chemo for some cancer,” says I.
She was aghast, in the sweetest possible way.
And here I thought my (straight boy) co-workers were gossip mongers.
What’s up boys?

My my… I do go on, don’t I?
I don’t post squat for weeks on end and then it all comes flying out like some Linda Blair roman shower. (go ahead, Google that, Jibsy.)

So, I miss my hair, more than I ever expected.
I am more vain than I ever knew, and I always knew I was super faggy vain.
I think my gf is almost a saint, and you may think so too but you probably really have no idea and that’s okay. Just believe me.

I’ve learned things being sick and I hope I don’t forget them soon.

I’ve learned most of all that you better figure out what you want and try to go get it, assuming it isn’t going to cause harm anywhere else to anyone else.

I’m still trying to grasp the fact that all those little moments are connected and they add up until one day you are sitting at your computer at 3 am thinking about the stupid little kid who couldn’t understand why the park ranger wouldn’t go retrieve her sandals from the bottom of the outhouse so many years ago.
I hope that man is enjoying his pension today.

2 more treatments.
If you have been playing along at home since the beginning, you may have seen the pattern start to emerge here.
I’ll be crappy and feel like shit for a few more days and then I will try to post something again when I feel better.
By the time I go for the next treatment, I will have convinced myself that it won’t *really* get this bad. Even when it’s pretty hard to forget how totally crappy the crappy days are.
I’ll do the chemo and those 2 days will be druggy and weird, but not completely awful.
And then I will slide into all this again, and just as I sink towards the bottom of the deep mirky sea, I will bonk my head and remember to go back up for air, and then I will start all over again.
And then we will do number 8.

And then we wait and see what happens.

And don’t think that doesn’t weigh on my mind.

Have I mentioned my gf is almost a saint?
Maybe she is a saint.

And if you read this far, I guess you might one day be almost a saint as well.
Or else you need a library card.

Any questions?

 Posted by at 3:07 am
Sep 172004

I went and got poked again today. That would be the billionth time since we started this merry process a few months ago.
I actually tried to figure out how many times I have been poked or had blood drawn or had some fiendish goo poured into me in the last few months.
I was coming up with a fairly accurate estimate, and in the middle of my idle calculations, the nurse offered to put me in that drug trial to treat my anemia and said I would have to do bloodwork pretty much daily. I swear, at that moment, some internal support mechanism inside my brain collapsed and I just couldn’t maintain my light-hearted calculations any more.
But the bottom line is, I have been poked a lot.
I have a scar on a vein now. I find myself complaining about that a lot, which is sort of absurd since it doesn’t really hurt anymore and it isn’t that big.
I’m going to have to go thru all my notes from the training for my job and see if there is something I can do to pamper my veins for being so brave over the last few months.
If you are a medical type of person and know of something, do drop me a line.
Continue reading »

 Posted by at 2:18 am
Sep 152004

I bet you didn’t know that, did you?

I stumbled upon this site where you can find out what Google has to say about me or anyone else.

It’s kind of fun.
Go ahead, type in your own name.

Tomorrow is chemo day, number 6 of 8.
That means that I did bloodwork last week and again today.
Dr. Oncologist says that my CA 125 is at 4.7, which is still really, really good.
It’s up a smidge from last time, but he says that tiny little jump can be attributed to what time of day they took the blood.
Anyway, he continues to say that things are going really well, just as well as can be, and I will go along with that.

what else…

we went camping last weekend.
It was very, very, very wet and windy when we arrived on Friday.
Really, it was insanely windy and insanely rainy. Friday night was just basically insane.
Because the ferry arrived late and because the weather was so punishing, we set up our camp in the dark and in the rain.
We ate dinner at 11 pm, and then we started setting up the tents.
Friday night was kind of brutal.
And then we woke up Saturday morning, and it was sunny and lovely and it stayed that way thru Sunday.
And then we came home and it started to pour again, but that’s okay.
I had a great time getting out of town.
And, I am hoping to get out of town once or twice more in the next while, but I have to see what happens with me and my travelling companions and all that.

It’s late and I have to get my stuff put together to go for chemo tomorrow.
Wish me luck, comrades.
It’s a bugger of a process and I am getting more than a little tired of doing it and really really tired of not being able to do a whole lot of other things. But I think in a big picture kind of way, I have very little to complain about.

Okay… more when it happens and I simultaneously remember to post something here.

Over and out.

 Posted by at 9:33 pm
Sep 042004


it’s the Labour Day weekend, in case anyone had forgotten that. It’s been quite a summer here for me, and not the one I had planned.
And now it seems to be coming to a close.
It was blazingly hot this summer, and there was much whining about that at chez moi.
Then, in that classic Vancouver style, it just flipped to late October rain one day and it mostly hasn’t stopped yet.
And that’s good because the province was so terribly day, but I confess I was hoping for some sort of middle-ground.

We are supposed to go camping in a few days and it would be nice to have the perfect combo of

– quiet
– sunshine
– fun
– food

and all the other bits that I am looking forward to.

I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what I get.

But back to my point, it’s been a really wild summer.
You all know that, I suppose.
It’s been a summer of being blown away by the stuff people will do to help.
And it’s been a summer of tremendous frustration as the number of things I can do becomes less and less and my boredom and frustration escalate.

I think it might be my weirdest summer ever.

I started out doing pretty well, feeling pretty well, having pretty good energy levels, and it’s been a bit of a downward spiral over the last month or so.
3 more treatments and no real reason to expect that I will have an easier time, physically, with those treatments than I have with the last 2.

And, at the same time, my test results have been really really good.
Yeah, I have spent a lot of time feeling like crap, but I knew I was going to spend a lot of time feeling like crap.
It’s just differrent when you are in it and you can’t change the channel or wait a couple of hours to feel like crap again.
So, yeah, I have spent a lot of time feeling lousy and lousier this summer, and still, the test results are the most important thing right now and that’s coming back just as good as anyone could hope.
And I think, ‘why the hell am I whining and complaining? I have been on e-mail lists with women who had so much more to complain about and they went thru hell and did their chemo and then had a recurrence really fast.

So, let’s talk about that, because I don’t think I have, and if I have, it’s been a while.

Ovarian cancer at this stage has a freaky high incidence of recurrence.
I was on an e-mail list with a huge number of women and I had to unsubscribe because it was just so terribly depressing how many of them only had a couple of months of being cancer-free before they had to start up with the chemo drugs again.
The original numbers from my oncologist were ” I have a 50/50 chance of still being cancer free in 5 years.”
Because the 5 year mark is the important line in the sand.
And if you run the numbers through various websites, the 50/50 number could be seen as being kind of generous. I have seen it go as low as 30/70.
And all that depends on a bunch of things, like type and stage of cancer and overall health and age and luck and all kinds of things.

And, the latest word from the oncologist is that, with the rapid decrease in my CA 125 scores and having those scores well within the range of a regular person, I am ‘in the group they consider most optimistically’.
I think it’s funny how I have adapted to the medical model and I just accept that that is the best he can say.
Can’t say as I blame him.

Anyway, all that stuff is pretty good news.
You may not see it that way, but basically, everything is chugging along in a good direction,

It is my profound hope that I just do these next few chemo treatments and do a ton of bloodwork for the next 5 years, but we just skip the whole recurrence thing.
When I start feeling like I was hit by a bus, I try to think about it as doing one really big, long hard thing and if I just keep plugging along, maybe I get to just wrap up the cancer thing and get on with my life again.
That’s what I am hoping.

And, I need to say another big thank you to Elaine for being so sweet and loving and for looking after two lives and for running her ass off trying to keep it all together for both of us.
I am a very lucky bastard.

And I am lucky to have the love and support of the folks who have been pulling for me.


 Posted by at 11:23 pm
Aug 312004

Well, it’s about 5 days since my last chemo treatment and I thought I should say something.

I was just whining at Elaine that this chunk of time, this chunk 4 to 7 days after the chemo, is the worst.
The chemo itself isn’t all that bad, aside from being poked.

But right now, I am:

– bored out of my mind
– drugged out of my mind
– incapable of communicating much so I can’t generate dialogue with most anyone
– really easily worn out, which feeds right back into why I am bored out of my mind.
– completely absent-minded because of the drugs which makes me not much fun for a conversation which feeds into the boredom.

So, this is my main time to lay around and feel sorry for myself.
Unfortunately, I am bored with that too.

The other thing that is happening right now is the neuropathy in my hands and fingers. That’s annoying, though it does fit well with the way my brain feels. It’s interesting to have everything feel pretty much the same. Numb.

And… I know that it is a stage in the process.
And….. I also know that this stage of feeling crappy is starting to take up more and more time of each round of chemo, just because my body is getting more worn now and each time the sludge inside me gets built up a bit more and I have less and less resistance to all the shite in my system.
And just about the time the new cells start to grow again, we slam another needle in my arm and start the process again.
And, in spite of the whining, that’s okay.
I don’t like this process much, but I am not keen on the alternative.
Still, I am pissed off that my lovely summer of leisure is over and I never really got the sort of leisure I was hoping for.
And, it’s all for the greater good.
I do believe that.
I am just achy and whiny and watching summer evaporate before my eyes and I am grumbly about that.

Next year.
Watch out…. next year, I am going to be hedonism personified!

You know, in a big picture kind of way, I mean if you are going to have cancer and do chemo, well, things have actually been going pretty well for me.
In terms of what the test results say, my body has responded well to the chemo.
The people in my life have been wildly kind and supportive.
Things could be way worse.
I just get grumpy about some of the details.

But in a big picture kind of way, it’s going well.

 Posted by at 11:49 am
Aug 262004

well… today I saw my oncologist and tomorrow I do chemo.

The trip to the cancer clinic was even more fun that usual.
See, the way they set it up is, I have to be there first to do some bloodwork and then, about an hour and a half later, I see the oncologist and the trial study nurse and we talk about how it has been going for the last 3 weeks.

One thing you should know… the BC Cancer Agency is freakishly busy.
Like, it’s shocking and it’s depressing.
The staff there are all really kind and helpful and I don’t know how they do what they do, but they are all completely overworked. In the chemo room, in the lab, everywhere I have seen.
It’s not just the hospitals that are struggling because of the ridiculous cuts to healthcare.
It’s weird to have spent so much time inside the healthcare system over the last few months because it is painfully obvious how everything is stretched to the point where it will just snap if anyone pulls on it anymore.

So, we showed up around noon to do the blood work and the lab was even busier than usual. Busy busy busy, people everywhere. So, we sat down and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And then, from inside the lab, came a scream of agony, and everyone who was waiting for bloodwork reacted in one way or another.
The man beside me wrapped his hand into a fist and smushed it into his eye socket in apparent anguish.
The woman across from me in her purple pants suit went ashen and her eyes became as big as saucers.
I sat and fretted.
And we all waited to see who would come out.
we waited a bit and then a rather pissed off woman came out.
I was concerned that I would have to go next to see the chainsaw phlebotomist, but it turns out I got someone with a gentler touch.
She took my blood and it went fine.

Then we met with the oncologist and the trial nurse.
It turns out I have anemia, and that’s why I was having such a hard time bouncing back after the last treatment.
So, they offered me a spot in yet another drug trial, this one for a drug that increases the red blood cell count with a drug, the name of which I forget.
It would be a double blind study and, of course, I would have a 50/50 chance of getting the placebo. And… I would be getting even more bloodwork done because I was in the study.
Elaine and I talked about it some and had decided we would talk about it at home tonight. At that point, Daktari comes back in the room and says ‘never mind about signing that consent form. We just got your blood work results back and your red blood cell count has gone up in the last week and it is too high for you to be in the study now’.
And, I guess that’s a relief.
I wasn’t really sure which way I was going to go on that.
But, I am still anemic, so I need to deal with that and I am not keen on the idea of doing transfusions.
The nurse says that iron tablets aren’t supposed to make any difference but in her experience they do, so I may want to keep taking them.
In fact, I just started taking them a couple of weeks ago and that may be why my red blood cell count got better.
Stay tuned for more news on that.

On the good news/bad news front, we were talking to the nurse and I mentioned something about how it seems like a lot of women do their chemo treatment and then have about 6 months of being okay and then their cancer comes back again. The nurse said, quite bluntly, “well, that’s because ovarian cancer has such a high rate of recurrence.”

The good news came in the form of the CA 125 results.
I am sure I have everyone trained to understand the significance of the test. But in case you don’t know, short of cutting me open again, the CA 125 test is the best indicator there is about what is going on with the cancer.
Before the surgery, it was at 150-ish.
Last time I saw the oncologist it was at 6
Today it is down to 4
So, that is really really good news.
The oncologist says that it is a really good sign that the CA 125 counts dropped so much and so quickly. He said that is a really important indicator of how it is going. He said that this sort of response means I am in the category of people that they consider ‘most optimistically’.
I am pretty happy about that.

And tomorrow, I roll up my sleeve and do it all over again.
I seem to have scarring happening on my veins in my hands, from the chemo drugs going in, or maybe because of how long the needle sits there. That’s kind of gross and painful, but not serious in any way.

It’s late and I need to pack stuff up for my day tomorrow.
And then sleep while I can.
When next I blog, I will probably be strung out from lack of sleep or drugged out of my mind, so do check back in a few days and see what I am ranting about.
Who would want to miss that?

 Posted by at 12:08 am
Aug 252004

small small.jpg

Well, once again I have fallen behind in my posting here.

But hey, I try to catch everyone up on every little thing that is fit for general human consumption in one fell swoop. Trying to make it worth your while. Ever the considerate one, that’s me.

Well, first of all, some friends in San Francisco sent me a bunch of cool bandanas to cover my shiny bald head. I asked Elaine to take some photos of me in the bandanas and now they are up on my gallery page.
You can find them here.

Also, Elaine and I had our photos taken by a lovely homer-sexual lad today. He is travelling around taking pictures of queer couples and he arranged to take some photos of us. We won’t see the photos for at least a couple of months but I do like his work.

Elaine’s van remains on the missing vehicles list. We got a rental car from ICBC, but it may be gone by the weekend.
Returned to the rental place, I mean. Not stolen.
Though lately, who knows…
Though it’s not a mid 80’s toyota, so the thieves will be less interested, I suspect.
Meanwhile, the battery on my truck is dead, because I have spent so very little time driving in the last 3 months that the battery just said ‘see ya later’ and kicked.
All that would be much more manageable if I wasn’t doing chemo again on Thursday. But that’s how it goes.
Bloodwork like crazy tomorrow, and chemo on Thursday.
I guess I better get that battery working and my g-f better learn to drive my truck.

This cycle is almost over and I am now past the mid-way point for this process.
It was weird because I was pretty enthusiastic about hitting the half way mark, but as soon as I did I became really tired of the whole invasive process, tired of being poked and prodded, tired of feeling crappy, just really extra tired and frustrated with it all.
And that’s a bit phuqued up. I mean it’s probably understandable and everything but basically, the bottom line is I need to cowboy up and just deal with it.
It hasn’t been a terribly lovely summer for me but I intend to make up for that as soon as I am feeling better and have my cash flow in better shape.

I’ve been feeling weird and frustrated and tired of being bald quite a bit lately.
And, you know, if one was going to have to pick a time to be bald, this summer is a pretty good choice, since it has been blisteringly hot.
The thing I find most exhausting and emotionally draining is the lack of choice that comes with so many angles of this.
And, actually, that’s not really accurate. It’s really a matter of being left to choose between really unpleasant option and really awful and agonizing option. It doesn’t seem like much of a choice, but ultimately it is.

Summer is coming to an end and I am still feeling a bit cabin-fevered. I can’t imagine what my mind will look like by December, but hopefully I will come up with some more creative ways to get out of the house.
I had a couple of adventures planned for the summer, but things seem to have fallen off the table and now you can feel fall creeping up and the days of romping in the sun coming to a close for this year.
We did bust out and drive up to Whistler for the day last weekend. That was fun.

Elaine and I are planning on going camping in a few weeks, and hopefully it will have rained enough in the meantime that we can have a campfire while we are away.
If you live in Vancouver and happen to have any camping equipment we can borrow, we would be temporarily in your debt.
Mostly what we need is a decent tent and maybe a camp stove. And maybe a tarp, if you have one.

Okay, then, amigos, it’s late and I have to go to bed so I can get up and get poked and all that.

Thanks for checking in.
Stay tuned for the next installment. It probably won’t take long.
Roger Dodger, over and out.

 Posted by at 1:27 am
Aug 152004

My girlfriend’s van got stolen last night.

But I’m not kidding.

We left our house today at dinner time, I walked out the door and there was the great emptiness on the street where her van was only yesterday.

Now, my girlfriend normally has a charmed life.

I think it must be me, messing up her mojo or something.

You’d think the car thieves would at least demonstrate some basic compassion, if not any taste.
But no.

 Posted by at 10:37 pm
Aug 142004


Okay, I uploaded a bunch of pictures from our last trip to Tofino. You can find ‘em here:

More Tofino Pictures

I need to move ‘em around so they are in the right and logical order, but I seem to have hit a wee snag and I need my g-f to help me figger it, but right now she is working on a website or two and I will get to that soon. Or not so soon.
But I know y’all want to see some old vacation photos of me with a full head of hair and luscious eyebrows.
So, knock yourselves out.

It was a really good trip, then we came home and everything got really crazy really fast. It sort of stands out in my mind as the transition point into all the shite that is currently happening.
So, look or don’t look.

In the meantime, hacking and slashing my way through the icky feelings and trying really hard to get to feeling kind of regular.
It seems to take a bit longer each cycle.
I think I am just about to feel normal-ish soon and I feel like the heat wave is part of why I feel so stinky lately.

And… hey… we are going to have a little yard sale next weekend.
So, if you’d like an invite, drop me a line and I will send it off to you.
All the details are TBA, except that it will be sometime next weekend, because that works for us.

Okay comrades, thanks for checking in with me and mine, and don’t forget the sunscreen.

 Posted by at 11:12 pm
Aug 112004

Well, here we are again, folks. It’s pretty damn hot here in my city and I am sweating like a little organic snausage. Okay, on second thought, maybe I don’t qualify as organic right yet. In fact, I may take a few years to get to the organic status, but I am willing to take the time and make the effort.

“So, what’s new?”, I hear you ask.
Oh, you know… not so much.
But I thought I ought to explain a thing to people because I, well, forget that that they don’t know. And you may think I am being cute and ironic when I say that, but no, I really mean that I forget.
Basically, these days I am likely to forget just about anything. If you are someone who has contact with me a whole bunch, it’s probably best if you know that my memory is totally for shit right now.
It’s a funny little thing that they call “Chemo-brain. You can read all about it on this other page or just pop the term into Google and learn up.

Anyway, that part of the whole chemo/cancer thing is pretty awful for me.
Folks who know me will know that there is this nasty little Alzheimer’s problem in my family and I have been watching that chew up my various relatives over the last 10 or 15 years, so having what seems like a dress rehearsal for my own episode is pretty freaky. Elaine, as alway, has been amazing and pats my head and keeps me from having a great big freak out. Well, she tries to contain the freak outs, sometimes they are big.

Anyway…. one of the reasons I write this, when I remember to write things here, is because I want people to learn as I go thru this. So, today I have decided that you should all learn about chemo-brain.
Lucky you.

What else?

I am now pretty much halfway thru this round of treatment, and we are all hoping that one round of treatment is the beginning and the end of the story and I just walk out the door of the cancer clinic all cured up and a better person.
That’s what I am hoping and I know I have a lot of support on that score.
But it’s funny being at the halfway point.

Wanna know more?
Follow me here…
Continue reading »

 Posted by at 11:48 pm
Aug 092004

I am in my post-chemo week and things are kind of confused in my head. Not in any sort of tragic way, but the smaller details get pretty muddled right now and I get spun around quite easily. Like, my original chemo treatment was on a Monday. Then it went to bloodwork on Monday and chemo on Tuesday. Now we have moved to bloodwork on Tuesday and chemo on Wednesday.
I don’t know why this minor shift has me so confused. I can handle it when it comes to dealing with how the garbage schedule changes but for some reason this last week or so has been really hard to keep track of.
So, if you have been expecting some sort of contact or confirmation from me over the last while, this could well be why you haven’t heard from me.
That, and we have been having just a few more troubles with the olde e-mail. Honest. But I reckon it’s all good now.
Oh, and then there was this thing where my hard drive kind of kicked up its heels, so lately I have been logging in thru web-mail, which is kind of a drag but better than nothing. But web mail is less convenient for answering people and stuff.
So, you see, I have a billion good reasons to have not been in touch.

I guess if you came by here you are wondering how it is all going, so I’ll touch on that now.

Physically, things are getting better in a variety of respects.
I’m still pretty happy that my test results are coming in with such good numbers and I am trying to keep that in perspective. It’s good and at the same time, I still have a ways to go, like about 5 and a half years, before anyone is going to pat me on the head and tell me I am cancer-free. But I am happy with how it is all going.

Once again we adjusted my meds and I am getting some sleep this time, and that makes such a huge difference. The fact that the temperature has dropped a bit is a huge help as well, because now I have a better chance of being able to stay awake thru the night.

Pride week has come and gone and it was a good thing, but it also took a chunk out of me. All in all, I am glad it happened and glad that we participated the way we did, but I confess, sometimes I feel like people look at me and see some tragic figure, and that gets kind of emotionally tiring for me.I *want* to be regular and be treated like a regular person, even though I know I am not very regular right now. It’s tricky. I realize I do require some special considerations now. I guess I am still struggling with the humility that requires. Never my area of strength.

I keep wrestling with this urge to get out of town for the day and spend some time with my sweetie, just hanging out somewhere green, or on the ocean or something. I know I am going to be cranky as hell when it starts to rain and I realize I missed the chance to spend a day in the woods all relaxed. Okay, really what I want is a whole chunk of time out of the city, but my current medical logistics and financial humiliation make that basically impossible, so what I am after is a good long day in the woods or at the beach. Is that so much to ask?

I am off to spend the day dealing with government employees who may or may not be decent to me, who knows?
I certainly don’t envy them, but on the other hand, I don’t envy me either, so it would be nice if they could just do the right thing and fork over some rent money.

Well, I need to go shower and then go plead my case.

Later, amigos.

 Posted by at 10:37 am
Aug 052004

nyk and bike.jpg

I’m sure there are more than a few Boomtown rats fans out there that know and understand the tune I am humming in my head right now.

Okay… it’s been a while and I feel like I should have a lot to say.
I probably do, because a lot sure has happened. I just don’t know if I will have the steam to write about it all tonight.

A couple of things to talk about for sure.
I did my 4th chemo treatment today (thus explaining why I am still up at 2:30) and reaching number 4 means I am halfway thru if everything goes well. Fingers crossed.
And so far the test results indicate that everything is going well. The first set of results came back with my CA125 scores being 8.6
Today, I got back a newer set of results that are at 7.1
(If this is making as much sense to you are trigonometry after smoking Panama Red then flip back to the entry called “3 down, five to go” cuz I explained all this stuff there. if you don’t want to go there and read, just trust me that it’s good news.)
My immune system is still pretty delicate and I have to be careful.
We spent the weekend doing a ton of social stuff, because of Pride and weddings and such, and I came in contact with lots of people which was good mentally, mostly, but it is a bit risky physically. I think I got a bit run down from it all, but I think if I can make it through the next few days without getting sick, then that will be excellent. I have known from the beginning of this that this was going to be the busiest weekend of the whole treatment, and it was.

At the top of this entry, you can see me being the fluff on the back of the bike.
If you pay attention, you will also see that I have the legs for the job.
That was really really fun.
I had been hoping to get a picture or two from the weddings we went to to post here but that hasn’t been possible. Elaine and I were dressed rather sharply and I was hoping we might get a photo or two, but I think they may be a while coming.

Anyway, it’s almost 3 and it’s time to try sleeping again.

If sleeping doesn’t work, there will be a lot more to read on this page.

 Posted by at 2:49 am
Jul 282004

tofino bound.jpg

It was only a couple of months ago, but hey…

I keep meaning to add the photos from our most recent trip to Tofino to the gallery page, but I always seem to be too busy having some sort of terrible hormonal episode or not sleeping.
In the meantime, here’s a wee bit of the trip.

Was I having a good hair day or what?

 Posted by at 12:46 am
Jul 282004

I went for another round of bloodwork today.

First of all, let me just say I am continually impressed by how sweet the folks who work at the lab are. It’s a big lab that does bloodwork for most everyone, and for some reason the Cancer Agency sends me to them once per cycle.
So, every three weeks, I have bloodwork done at the big lab and again a week later at the Cancer agency.The big lab is often crowded with weirdos but the staff who work there are always really kind. Actually, I have to say, I think they are nicer than the folks in the lab at the Cancer Agency who poke me and drain my blood. Or maybe it’s because at the lab the poker-gals always make some comment about the cancer and ask how it’s going. No one does that at the Cancer Agency, not when they take my blood. Now, I kind of understand why, but still, when you are getting poked as often as I am, it’s nice when they are sweet to you.

In spite of my courageous exterior, I am really a bit of a candy-ass when it comes to giving blood or having it taken. I have to bring Elaine with me to hold my hand. You might expect that I had made some progress on this score over the last few months, but no.

I was thinking earlier today that if everything goes well and according to the original plan, then I am basically almost at the halfway point of this process (not to suggest that I am counting the days or doing anything other than savouring every moment of this…, mmmm… yum…).
So, yeah, today, I was sitting in the sun, thinking about being a bloodletting candy-ass and I thought, “whoo hoo, I am coming up on the halfway point!”
And I confess, I enjoyed that idea for several hours.
And then I realized that even if everything continues to go well, I will still be going for bloodwork every three months for the next couple of years and then every 6 months and so on…
Which is still a nice long gap compared to what I am doing now.
And you know, it’s a necessary evil.

Anyway, bloodwork today means I am starting the build-up process for round 4.

This week I will:
do bloodwork
see my GP
go to the launch party for the calendar my gf spent the last few years working on
Have a CT Scan
Go to Pride
Go to the wedding of some of my favorite people.

This is a very busy week for me. I expect it will be the busiest week I have thru the whole chemo thing.

Next week I will:
do bloodwork again
meet with Dr. Oncologist and the nurse who co-ordinates the study I am in
do another round of chemo
stay awake for the remainder of that week and a goodly chunk of the next (unless we come up with the right combo and find some balance between the steroids and something else so I can actually get some beauty sleep.)

I really really really want to be able to enjoy some of the summer this year.
I had really high hopes for this summer, and it’s more than a little ironic that I got knocked on my ass. I am trying to figure out a way to get out of the city, even if only for a day.
I’m getting a bit cabin fever-ish, and I think it’s time for my Houdini impersonation. It may have to wait a couple of weeks, but that’s my plan.

On a totally different note, I am re-reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and that’s a lot of fun. I had started it in April, when Elaine and I went to Tofino for our birthdays, but we came back to Vancouver and everything kind of went to shite quite quickly and I couldn’t focus on it while I was in the hospital and it all just kind of fell to the wayside, until now.
Unfortunately, it looks like I will still have to wait a while before Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince comes out.
Guess that means I have to start again with the first book and make my way through it all over again.

 Posted by at 12:30 am
Jul 232004

Hey folks…

just a quick note to say my e-mail has been down for a day or so. If you e-mailed me in the last 2 or 3 days, please resend it.
I never got it and it is lost in the ozone.

More later.


 Posted by at 9:58 am